Company Profile
Established in 1990, MANDÍK, a.s. is a pure Czech, family owned company. At present it is one of the most significant manufacturers of air-handling and fire fighting components, air handling units and industrial heating systems.
The company wins recognition on the European market above all by its focus on high quality, flexibility and services to support the delivered products. The current level of the company's technical ability is documented by supplies for subways, tunnels and nuclear power plants in many European countries.
The company observes the rules of quality management according to ISO 9001, KTA 1401, 10CFR APP10, and is a member of RLT, the German association of air-handling equipment manufacturers. The company has all the required certificates according to European standards, and has been certified by TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH according to EN 1886.
In addition to the domestic market, the sales activities of MANDÍK, a.s. also cover a number of other European countries, where its products are delivered in collaboration with our foreign partners.
At everyday work the company places emphasis on environment protection and occupational safety. Observance of strict European environmental and OHS standards is a common rule, which is uncompromisingly required by the company management. The company contributes to environment protection also by operating its own renewable energy resources and by the widest possible use of energy-saving appliances.
Our objective is maximum satisfaction of our customers, and last but not least creating comfortable working environment for our employees.