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Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

We are pleased to inform our customers and other partners that we just released the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Mandík fire dampers FDMR, FDMS, FDMB, FDMQ and FDMQ 120, smoke control dampers SEDM and SEDM-L, and constant airflow regulators RPM-K and RPMC-K.
We are developing EPD‘s for other products now.
In order to document the environmental impact of our products, we have prepared The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for many variants of our products.
The EPD quantifies the environmental impact of products over their entire life cycle (from raw materials extraction, through manufacturing, using, to end of life). The EPD‘s are verified by a third party and comply with international standards (ISO 14025 and EN 15804).
Documents are registred and published under the Czech programme in its EPD database, which is newly administered by the Ministry of the Environment in the Czech Republic and avalible on adress https://www.ekoznacka.cz/databaze-epd-v-cr/
The EPD‘s are avalible on our website as well - in the Introduction section - EPD.
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